Thursday 18 October 2012

A sunny afternoon in Richmond

Phew I'm out the other side of a terribly busy time at work.  It's been pretty rubbish and with some painful symptoms I'm enduring with this pregnancy I've not been feeling the happiest.  At the most stressful point with work I went to London for the weekend to see Ellie Goulding with Mark, Ellie's number one fan who is also pregnant and her husband.  I can't believe we went to a gig in our third trimester but we survived!

We stayed at my brother's flat and the next day my parents also visited so we all went out for the afternoon.  Off we went to Richmond, a favourite place of mine even though I don't think I ever would live there even if I did have the money to afford property there, yummy mummies aren't really my thing.  Having been there before, I lead the way to Petersham Nurseries.  Mark and I were there in January, it's such a pretty cafe and garden centre I was desperate to see the end of summer there.

I adore the home bits they sell if only the price tag matched my bank account though I mean seriously £1150 on 5 dining chairs, how the other half live hey! Funnily enough I still enjoy looking at all the lovely things, it's like a museum.  I just have to get my thrift on and try and find all the things they sell at car boots don't I...


  1. Well, it looks like it was a wonderful day! I love those little succulent plants. I would love to get a couple for myself, but I am SO TERRIBLE at keeping things alive that I wouldn't even trust myself with those. It's remarkable that my cat is still alive, haha. I hope you start to feel better with the pregnancy! I'm impressed that you went to a concert! How was she? She's one of my newer favorites.

    1. She was really good, we went for a friend really but were pleasantly surprised. It was in intimate gig too which was really nice I much prefer them. Looks like her album is really taking off too!

  2. £1150....really! Blimey - how the other half live indeed.

    Nina x

    1. Oh I know it's sickening some of the prices but it's all so very nice, perhaps one day I can go in and buy a mug or something ;)

  3. I was in Richmond last weekend visiting friends, it's such a lovely place. Great photos. x
